Thursday, 17 March 2016

Wool Cycle (at 40 degrees)

My old washing machine drum was sitting outside the house for a few weeks and as I decided whether to take it to the tip I had a thought... This piece brings together my love of nail and thread / string art designs with a more truly sculptural form of the disregarded. There's a little bit of Barbara Hepworth about it too which I like.

Wool Cycle (2015) has just moved from Gallage to the group show End II Begin in Coventry Arcade, curated by The Pod and its arts collective Collective//Pod. For further details of this show and the Scratch the Surface Arts Festival (running March 14th-27th 2016) please follow the link:

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Neon Spillage!

500ml of neon paint from a 14ml paint pot in an apparently accidental spillage (!). Strangely, as the paint dried, the little paint pot began to levitate! One of those nice, unexpected occurances.

Gallage 360

Gallage from a different view. A 360 degree stereographic.